#Blue fur coat outfit.
Цветная шуба - тренд сезона.

- По традиции, сразу после Нового Года в Петербурге начинаются настоящие холода. Вчера я решила выйти из дома и прогуляться до ближайшей Зары, чтобы обналичить подарочный сертификат. Идти не так много, но я успела ощутить колючий морозец на своем лице. Теперь спасаюсь новой и своей первой шубкой глубокого синего цвета и конечно термобельем, которое раньше терпеть не могла. Думаю этот образ получился очень хипстерским, но мне он напоминает о жизни в Японии несколько лет тому назад. У меня была такая же прическа и эти очки кстати, куплены в городе Йокогама, где и по сей день находится мое сердце.
Всех с Рождеством! Здоровья вам и вашим близким.
- Итак на мне: LEVI's jeans 501.
TOPSHOP top. BOUTIQUEMINIMALISTE ring (here). TROLLBEADS (here). MANGO white sneakers. Fur jacket no name. MANGO bag.

Образ очень стильный, "вкусный" :3 И, глядя на щиколотки, меня чего-то дрожь пробрала =)) Бррр, холодрыга =)
ReplyDeleteда=) холодно=)))) бррр=)
Deletenice <3
DeleteHey Anastasia!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry if this is not the right forum to ask ... But maybe you could help me?
I just started to google Russia, found just amazingly beautiful people here in the internet and ended up to your blog. I think I get some obsession to Russia and decide´d that I need to get visit St.Petersburg! And luckily St-Petersburg is close to Helsinki.
I am sorry, if the questions are offended, but can I survive there without any knowledge of russian language? What places would you recommend to visit there? Maybe not typical turist locations, more local? Do you have some "hipster"- neighobourhood there in St-Petersburg? Fleamarkets?
And I am from Helsinki. I am glad if you have some tips?
And really like your style, beauty and the blog :D
Hi, Janna.
DeleteThank you for visiting my blog, it’s nice to hear you’re interested in visiting our country and St. Petersburg in particular.
As far as I know in St. Petersburg all hotels, tourist places and main shops have English translations of titles and most of people there should speak English.
More than that most young people speak some basic (or better) level English, just try to speak with someone younger than 30.
We have a lot of beautiful buildings at city center and you can find nice famous St. Petersburg yard graffities (http://www.spb.aif.ru/city/dosug/1321354) and hidden places. Most hipster place I know is loft project “Etazhy” on Ligovsky prospect. I found this bar that clearly has English-speaking personal (a lot of bars actually does but this one has english site) and looks like a nice place to visit (but I didn’t check it out personally yet) http://www.spb.aif.ru/city/dosug/1321354 .
So, I think http://dombeat.ru/ - you’ll have a good time here.
I should say I love Helsinky – it’s beautiful city.
I hope this info will help you to survive here, thank you for your message
Thank you so much for your answer and good tips, Anastasia!
DeleteIt is always so hard to go as a random tourist to the new places, when you have no idea where to go. I will have a look with all your links and use google translate. Those graffities look great!
I am just more excited to get there. Just found cheap trains. I just can´t believe, how beautiful russian people are (I have always knew that but not really paid attention so much on it before :()! Been going through some russian blogs. I have to say and nowadays I have started to regret that I never started russian language at the school. My dad tried to get me to the russian lessons, because he was sure that I would need it when I am older. I didn´t believe him and instead of russian I chose german. Buuu :(
Yes, I saw you have been in Helsinki! I tried to use google translate to understand your text :)That is great, that you like it! Actually found this city guide about Helsinki today "http://www.designsponge.com/2015/01/helsinki-city-guide.html#more-214036". Maybe you will find some interesting spots there, if you are going to visit an other time!
Thank you so much for your time Anastasia and have a good winter there!!!
Шубка и правда прелесть)
ReplyDeleteКрасивые фотографии и образ
ReplyDeleteСпасибо большое
DeleteAmazing blog. <3